Vicksburg: Where Coca Cola Was First Bottled

Come explore the fascinating city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, with its rich history and notable landmarks. Vicksburg played a pivotal role in the Civil War as the site of the Siege of Vicksburg, which ultimately marked a turning point towards the end of the war. The city is home to the Vicksburg National Military Park, where you can immerse yourself in the history of the battle and explore attractions like the Vicksburg National Cemetery and the USS Cairo gunboat. Additionally, Vicksburg holds the distinction of being the birthplace of Coca Cola bottling and the first place where new shoes were sold in a box. Delve into the city’s hilly terrain, which posed challenges for the Union army during the Civil War, and discover the poverty and poor infrastructure that still afflict the city today. Visit the Old Court House, which houses a museum filled with Civil War artifacts, and even explore interesting curiosities like a sink allegedly stolen from Saddam Hussein’s palace by Mississippi soldiers. End your day by staying at the highly-rated Holiday Inn Express Hotel, where you can enjoy clean rooms, good water pressure, and a surprisingly delicious breakfast. Vicksburg truly offers a captivating blend of historical significance and modern exploration.

Table of Contents

Vicksburg: Where Coca Cola Was First Bottled

Vicksburg, Mississippi is a small city with a rich history that spans centuries. From its significant role in the Civil War to being the birthplace of Coca Cola bottling, there are many fascinating aspects to explore in Vicksburg. In this article, we will delve into the city’s history, including the Siege of Vicksburg, the Vicksburg National Military Park, and its connection to Coca Cola’s legacy. Additionally, we will discuss the city’s hilly terrain during the Civil War, the end of the Civil War, and the challenges faced by Vicksburg in terms of poverty and poor infrastructure. We will also explore the attractions at the Vicksburg National Military Park, such as the Old Court House and Civil War Museum, and the interesting artifacts found within. Furthermore, we will touch upon the creation of the teddy bear and other intriguing aspects of Vicksburg’s history. Finally, we will provide a positive review of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and highlight its location and rating.

Vicksburg’s Rich History

Overview of Vicksburg, Mississippi

Located in the state of Mississippi, Vicksburg is a city known for its rich history and historical significance. Situated on the banks of the Mississippi River, this small city has played a crucial role in shaping the course of American history. With its strategic location and historical events, Vicksburg has become a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.

Significance of Vicksburg in History

Vicksburg has witnessed numerous significant events throughout history, particularly during the Civil War. Its strategic location on the Mississippi River made it a key supply point for the Confederate army. The Siege of Vicksburg, a months-long battle, was a turning point in the war and ultimately led to the city’s fall. The Union’s victory at Vicksburg, coupled with the Union’s victory at the Battle of Gettysburg, marked the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. This makes Vicksburg a vital part of America’s history.

The Siege of Vicksburg

Background of the Civil War Battle

The Siege of Vicksburg took place from May 18 to July 4, 1863, during the American Civil War. It was a major military campaign in which Union Major General Ulysses S. Grant and his forces fought against Confederate Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton and his troops. The battle was part of Grant’s larger strategy to gain control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in two.

Strategic Importance of Vicksburg

Vicksburg was strategically vital due to its location on the Mississippi River. The city was a key point for both the Union and Confederate forces. Controlling Vicksburg would give the Union control over the entire Mississippi River, effectively cutting the Confederacy in half and isolating crucial Confederate states from each other. It was a high-stakes battle with significant implications for the outcome of the war.

Union Army’s Difficulty in Attacking Vicksburg

Vicksburg’s hilly terrain and strong defensive fortifications made it incredibly challenging for the Union army to attack. The city was situated on a ridge, which provided a natural advantage to the Confederate defenders. The Union forces had to lay siege to Vicksburg, cutting off its supply lines and gradually wearing down the Confederate defenders. This required patience and persistence on the part of Grant and his soldiers.

Outcome and Impact of the Battle

After six weeks of siege, the Confederate forces inside Vicksburg were left with no choice but to surrender. On July 4, 1863, Pemberton surrendered to Grant, marking a significant victory for the Union. The fall of Vicksburg, combined with the Union victory at Gettysburg, turned the tide of the Civil War in favor of the Union forces. This victory allowed the Union to gain control of the Mississippi River and further isolate the Confederate states, ultimately leading to the eventual defeat of the Confederacy.

Vicksburg National Military Park

Description of the National Military Park

Vicksburg National Military Park is a vast park that preserves the battlegrounds and historical landmarks related to the Siege of Vicksburg. Spanning over 1,800 acres, the park offers visitors the opportunity to explore the key sites and learn about the events that took place during the siege. The park’s scenic landscapes and historical monuments make it a significant attraction for both history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Vicksburg National Cemetery

Within the Vicksburg National Military Park, the Vicksburg National Cemetery serves as a poignant reminder of the lives lost during the Civil War. The cemetery houses the remains of over 17,000 Union soldiers who perished during the Siege of Vicksburg. Visitors can pay their respects and reflect on the sacrifices made by these brave individuals.

Remains of the USS Cairo Gunboat

One of the unique highlights of the Vicksburg National Military Park is the remains of the USS Cairo gunboat. The USS Cairo was an ironclad gunboat that played a significant role in clearing the Mississippi River leading up to Vicksburg. It was sunk during the war but was later raised and preserved as an important artifact. Visitors can explore the remains of the gunboat and gain insight into the naval warfare of the time.

Original Cannons and Monuments

Throughout the Vicksburg National Military Park, visitors can observe the original cannons that were used during the Siege of Vicksburg. These cannons serve as a visual reminder of the firepower and technology of the era. Additionally, the park is dotted with monuments and memorials dedicated to the soldiers who fought and died during the siege. These monuments provide a sense of the scale and significance of the battle.

The Birthplace of Coca Cola Bottling

Introduction to Coca Cola’s Bottling History

Coca Cola, one of the most iconic and beloved American beverages, has a unique connection to Vicksburg. It was in Vicksburg that Coca Cola was first bottled, marking an important moment in the history of this world-famous drink. The bottling of Coca Cola revolutionized the way the beverage was consumed and distributed, making it more accessible to people all over the world.

Vicksburg’s Role in the First Bottling

Vicksburg played a pivotal role in the first-ever bottling of Coca Cola. In 1894, a local businessman named Joseph Biedenharn had the innovative idea of bottling Coca Cola to make it more convenient for customers. He installed bottling equipment in his candy store in Vicksburg and began offering bottled Coca Cola for sale. This marked the beginning of a new era for the company and the beverage industry as a whole.

Historical Significance of Vicksburg in Coca Cola’s Legacy

Vicksburg’s contribution to the history of Coca Cola cannot be overstated. The decision to bottle Coca Cola in Vicksburg paved the way for the company’s expansion and solidified its popularity among consumers. Today, Coca Cola is one of the most recognized and consumed beverages in the world, and Vicksburg holds a special place in its story.

Vicksburg’s Hilly Terrain in the Civil War

Description of Vicksburg’s Hilly Terrain

Vicksburg’s hilly terrain played a significant role in the outcome of the Civil War battle. The city’s location on a ridge provided a natural advantage to the Confederate defenders. The steep slopes and uneven ground made it extremely difficult for the Union army to launch a successful attack. The hilly terrain forced the Union forces to adapt their strategies and tactics accordingly.

Challenges Faced by the Union Army

The hilly terrain presented several challenges for the Union army during the Siege of Vicksburg. The Confederate defenders had a clear vantage point from higher ground, allowing them to see and target approaching Union forces more easily. Additionally, the steep slopes made it physically demanding for the Union soldiers to advance and engage in combat. The difficult terrain slowed their progress and exposed them to enemy fire.

Importance of Topography in the Battle

The topography of Vicksburg had a significant impact on the outcome of the battle. The hilly terrain acted as a natural barrier, adding an extra layer of defense for the Confederate forces. The Union army had to find alternative methods, such as laying siege and cutting off supply lines, to weaken the Confederate defenses. The topography ultimately played a crucial role in the Union’s victory and the fall of Vicksburg.

The End of the Civil War

Vicksburg’s Fall and its Symbolism

The fall of Vicksburg was a significant turning point in the Civil War. The surrender of the Confederate forces inside Vicksburg marked a major victory for the Union army. The fall of the city symbolized the Union’s increasing control over the Mississippi River and their tightening grip on the Confederate heartland. It was a momentous event that foreshadowed the eventual end of the war.

Connection with the Battle of Gettysburg

The timing of Vicksburg’s fall is closely linked to another critical event in the Civil War – the Battle of Gettysburg. The Confederacy suffered a major defeat at Gettysburg just a day before the surrender at Vicksburg. These two events occurring almost simultaneously had a profound impact on the morale and strategic position of the Confederacy. It was a significant blow to their chances of winning the war.

Impact on the Outcome of the Civil War

The fall of Vicksburg, coupled with the Union victory at Gettysburg, marked a turning point in the Civil War. These two victories shifted the momentum in favor of the Union forces and weakened the Confederate army both strategically and psychologically. The Union’s control over the Mississippi River following the fall of Vicksburg further isolated the Confederacy and hindered their ability to sustain their war effort. The ultimate outcome of the Civil War was significantly influenced by these events.

Vicksburg’s Poverty and Poor Infrastructure

Overview of Vicksburg’s Current State

While Vicksburg boasts a rich historical heritage, it also faces challenges in terms of poverty and poor infrastructure. Compared to many other cities in the United States, Vicksburg has a higher poverty rate, which presents economic and social difficulties for its residents. However, despite these challenges, the city continues to preserve its historical sites and attract visitors who are interested in its history.

Challenges Faced by the City

Vicksburg’s poverty and poor infrastructure are results of complex and long-standing issues. The city’s lower-income population faces limited economic opportunities, inadequate healthcare, and subpar education systems. These challenges make it difficult for the city to thrive economically and maintain essential services for its residents.

Issues with Poverty and Infrastructure

Poverty in Vicksburg affects many aspects of daily life for its residents. Limited access to quality healthcare, inadequate affordable housing, and limited job opportunities contribute to the cycle of poverty. Additionally, the city’s infrastructure, including roads and public facilities, suffers from underinvestment and lack of resources. These issues can further perpetuate the challenges faced by the city and hinder its potential for growth.

Vicksburg National Military Park Attractions

Highlighting Key Features of the Park

Vicksburg National Military Park offers numerous attractions for visitors interested in exploring its historical significance. The park encompasses various sites associated with the Siege of Vicksburg, including preserved battlements, trenches, and artillery positions. These features provide a glimpse into the realities of warfare during the Civil War and allow visitors to imagine the intense battles that took place on these grounds.

Preserved Battleground with Historical Significance

The preserved battleground within the Vicksburg National Military Park holds immense historical significance. Walking through these grounds, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the tactics employed by both the Union and Confederate armies. The preserved trenches and earthworks offer a glimpse into the challenges faced by soldiers on both sides and highlight the sacrifices made during the siege.

Cannons, Monuments, and Memorials

One cannot miss the original cannons scattered throughout the park. These cannons serve as poignant reminders of the firepower utilized during the Civil War. Additionally, the park is adorned with monuments and memorials dedicated to the soldiers who fought and died during the Siege of Vicksburg. These tributes offer a chance for reflection and honor the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought in this crucial battle.

The Old Court House and Civil War Museum

Introduction to the Old Court House and Civil War Museum

The Old Court House in Vicksburg is not only a beautiful architectural landmark but also houses a museum dedicated to the history of the Civil War. The museum offers visitors a chance to explore various artifacts, exhibits, and displays that provide insight into the events of the Civil War and its impact on Vicksburg. The Old Court House and Civil War Museum are must-visit attractions for anyone interested in delving deeper into the history of this pivotal period in American history.

Interesting Artifacts at the Museum

The Old Court House and Civil War Museum boast a wide array of interesting artifacts that offer a glimpse into the lives of individuals who lived through the Civil War. From weaponry used during battles to personal belongings of soldiers, the museum’s collection paints a vivid picture of the era. Visitors can view items such as uniforms, letters, photographs, and other artifacts that provide a tangible connection to the past.

The Creation of the Teddy Bear

One unique artifact that stands out in the museum is the connection to the creation of the teddy bear. In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt visited Mississippi, and while in Vicksburg, he was invited on a hunting trip. Legend has it that during the hunt, Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear cub that had been captured and tied to a tree. This act of compassion led to various political cartoons and ultimately inspired the creation of the teddy bear. The museum highlights this historical connection, adding an interesting and unexpected element to its collection.

A Mid-1800s Women’s Bathtub

Among the intriguing artifacts in the museum is a mid-1800s women’s bathtub. This unique artifact showcases the bathing practices of the time, as women would have hot water poured over them while in the tub. This artifact provides a glimpse into the day-to-day life and customs of the era, offering visitors a chance to learn about the more personal aspects of history.

Preserved Courtroom in the Courthouse

When visiting the Old Court House, visitors will have the opportunity to step inside a preserved courtroom from the mid-1800s. This well-preserved courtroom allows visitors to imagine what it would have been like to witness a legal proceeding during that time. The judge’s seat remains intact, providing a fascinating perspective of the courtroom and its history.

Jefferson Davis and his Slaves

Vicksburg’s history is closely tied to the institution of slavery, and the Old Court House and Civil War Museum shine a light on this aspect of the past. The museum explores the relationship between Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America, and his slaves. This connection offers a nuanced perspective on the complexities of the time and provides a chance to learn about the lives of enslaved individuals.

Visit to the Local Museum

Overview of the Local Museum

During our visit to Vicksburg, we had the opportunity to explore a local museum that was packed with historical items. The museum proved to be an interesting and informative experience, allowing us to delve deeper into the history of Vicksburg and its role in the Civil War. Visitors to Vicksburg should consider adding this museum to their itinerary.

Positive Review of Holiday Inn Express Hotel

The Hotel’s Gym

During our stay in Vicksburg, we had the pleasure of staying at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel. One of the standout features of the hotel was its well-equipped gym. The gym offered a variety of exercise equipment, making it easy to get a workout in even while traveling. The cleanliness and maintenance of the gym were commendable, ensuring a comfortable and convenient experience for guests.

Surprisingly Good Breakfast at the Hotel

Another highlight of our stay at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel was the breakfast provided. While many hotels offer a standard continental breakfast, the hotel surprised us with its extensive options. Freshly cooked bacon and sausage, as well as a pancake-making machine, made for a delicious and satisfying start to the day. The quality of the breakfast exceeded our expectations and added extra value to our stay.

Location and Review Rating of the Hotel

The Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Vicksburg is ideally located, making it convenient for visitors to explore the city’s historical sites and attractions. The hotel is situated in a decent part of town, ensuring a pleasant and safe experience for guests. Furthermore, the hotel has received positive reviews, with a rating of 4.3 out of 5. This rating attests to the quality of the accommodations and the satisfaction of previous guests.


Vicksburg, Mississippi, with its rich history and significant role in the Civil War, stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of the American people. From the Siege of Vicksburg to the birthplace of Coca Cola bottling, Vicksburg’s historical significance cannot be overlooked. Despite the challenges the city faces, Vicksburg continues to preserve its historical sites and provide visitors with a glimpse into the past. The Vicksburg National Military Park, the Old Court House and Civil War Museum, and the intriguing artifacts found within are testaments to the city’s commitment to preserving its history. Vicksburg’s story serves as a reminder of the complexities of our nation’s past and the importance of appreciating and learning from it. So, next time you’re looking to uncover a piece of American history, consider visiting Vicksburg and immersing yourself in its amazing, rich history.