Should Women Shave Their Faces? Dermatologists Say…Yes

Hey there! I recently stumbled upon an interesting article in the Daily Mail that got me wondering: Should women shave their faces? Now, I know that there are plenty of beauty enthusiasts out there who strongly advise against it, claiming that it will make the hair grow back faster and thicker. However, dermatologists seem to have a different opinion on the matter. They argue that shaving your face can actually be beneficial and help promote better aging for the female face. They even compare it to a mild form of microdermabrasion that can reduce wrinkles and make women look younger.

It seems like more and more women are jumping on this bandwagon, and manufacturers are catching on too. They’ve started producing and selling razors specifically designed for women who want to shave their faces. Some women who have already tried it claim that it leaves their skin feeling as smooth as a baby’s bottom. So, ladies, considering that you’re already shaving various parts of your body, could it be time to add your face to the routine? Share your thoughts, I’d love to hear what you think!

Table of Contents

Beauty Enthusiasts vs. Dermatologists

The belief that shaving makes hair grow back faster and thicker

One common belief among beauty enthusiasts is that shaving your face will make the hair grow back faster and thicker. This notion has been passed down through generations and has become ingrained in popular culture. However, dermatologists are here to debunk this myth and reassure you that it’s simply not true.

Dermatologists debunking the myth

Contrary to popular belief, dermatologists assert that shaving does not make hair grow back faster or thicker. This is just a common misconception that has been perpetuated over time. The reality is that shaving only affects the hair that has already grown out of the follicle, not the hair follicle itself. The thickness and rate of hair growth are determined by factors such as genetics and hormonal influences, not by shaving.

The benefits of shaving for the female face

In fact, dermatologists argue that shaving can actually have benefits for the female face. When you shave, you’re not only removing unwanted facial hair but also exfoliating the skin by getting rid of the top layer of dead skin cells. This exfoliation process can leave your skin looking fresh and radiant.

Additionally, dermatologists compare shaving to a mild form of microdermabrasion, a popular cosmetic procedure that helps reduce wrinkles and signs of aging. Shaving can help stimulate collagen production, which promotes skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So, contrary to the myth, shaving can actually contribute to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

The Rise of Women Shaving Their Faces

Increasing number of women embracing face shaving

Despite the long-standing beauty myth, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of women embracing face shaving as a regular part of their beauty routines. More and more women are discovering the benefits of shaving and are choosing to incorporate it into their daily skincare practices.

Reasons behind the trend

There are several reasons behind this growing trend of women shaving their faces. For starters, many women appreciate the smooth, baby-like texture that shaving can provide. They enjoy the feeling of touching their face and experiencing the softness that comes with removing unwanted facial hair.

Additionally, shaving allows for better makeup application and ensures a flawless finish. With a smooth canvas, makeup products glide on more evenly, providing a more polished and professional look. Women also find that their skincare products, such as serums and moisturizers, are more effective after shaving since they can penetrate the skin more easily without any hair barrier.

Impact of societal perception on women’s choices

While the trend of women shaving their faces is on the rise, societal perception can still have a significant impact on women’s choices. Many women fear judgment and criticism for deviating from traditional beauty standards. However, it’s important to remember that beauty is subjective, and personal choices should be respected and celebrated. Shaving your face should be viewed as an empowering decision that allows you to take control of your own beauty routine.

Dermatologists’ Perspective

Exfoliation and dead skin removal through shaving

Dermatologists emphasize the exfoliating benefits of facial shaving. By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, shaving helps to reveal a fresher and more radiant complexion. This process allows skincare products to penetrate the skin more effectively and can enhance the overall efficacy of your skincare routine.

Comparison to mild form of microdermabrasion

When dermatologists compare shaving to a mild form of microdermabrasion, they are highlighting the positive effects that shaving can have on your skin. Microdermabrasion is a popular cosmetic procedure that exfoliates the skin using a tool with diamond or crystal tips. Shaving provides a similar result by effectively removing dead skin cells and promoting skin rejuvenation.

Anti-aging benefits and reduction of wrinkles

One of the most significant benefits of facial shaving, according to dermatologists, is its anti-aging properties. Shaving stimulates collagen production, which helps to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. By regularly shaving, you can potentially achieve a more youthful and vibrant complexion.

Products for Women Who Shave

Introduction of razors specifically designed for women

As the trend of women shaving their faces continues to grow, manufacturers have recognized the demand and introduced razors specifically designed for women. These razors are created with features that cater to the unique needs and contours of a woman’s face.

Popularity and demand for these products

The popularity and demand for razors designed for women who shave their faces have increased significantly in recent years. More and more women are seeking specialized tools that provide a comfortable and effective shaving experience. These products are now readily available in stores and online, catering to the needs of a diverse range of women.

Other grooming options and alternatives

While razors designed for women have gained popularity, it’s essential to remember that there are other grooming options and alternatives available as well. Some women prefer using facial hair removal creams or opting for professional treatments like waxing or threading. The key is to find the method that works best for you and makes you feel most comfortable in your own skin.

Debunking Common Myths

Addressing the fear of hair grow back

One of the common fears associated with facial shaving is the concern that the hair will grow back thicker and darker. However, dermatologists emphasize that this is nothing more than a myth. Shaving does not change the thickness, color, or rate of hair growth. It simply removes the hair that has already grown out of the follicle, leaving your skin feeling smooth and hair-free.

Clarifying misconceptions about hair texture

Another misconception surrounding facial shaving is the belief that it will result in coarser hair texture. Dermatologists confirm that this is not the case. Shaving does not alter the structure or quality of the hair. The texture of your hair is determined by genetic factors and hormonal influences, not by shaving.

Dermatologists’ emphasis on individual experiences

It’s important to recognize that individual experiences with facial shaving may vary. While many women report positive results and benefits, it’s essential to listen to your own skin and adapt your routine accordingly. Some women may find that shaving works well for them, while others may prefer alternative methods of hair removal. Personal experiences should always be valued and respected.

Shaving for Smoothness

Women’s experiences of baby-smooth skin

One of the most common reasons women choose to shave their faces is the desire for smooth, soft skin. Shaving can provide a kind of baby-like smoothness that many women find enjoyable and satisfying. The feeling of running your hand over your face and experiencing unrivaled smoothness is undeniable.

Comparisons to other shaving practices

When comparing facial shaving to other shaving practices, such as shaving your legs or armpits, there are some key differences. The texture and sensitivity of the facial skin are different from other areas of the body. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach facial shaving with care and use products specifically designed for the face.

Skin care routines and maintenance

Incorporating facial shaving into your skincare routine can have various implications for your overall maintenance. Shaving can enhance the effectiveness of your skincare products, as it allows them to penetrate deeply into the skin. It’s crucial to follow up with a proper post-shave skincare routine, such as moisturizing and applying sunscreen, to keep your skin healthy and protected.

Societal Perceptions and Acceptance

Challenging beauty standards and expectations

The decision to shave your face challenges traditional beauty standards and expectations placed on women. It’s an act of self-expression and empowerment, demonstrating that beauty comes in all forms and that personal choices should be respected. By breaking free from societal norms, women who shave their faces encourage a shift towards a more inclusive and accepting definition of beauty.

Attitudes towards women’s grooming choices

Unfortunately, society often finds it difficult to accept women’s grooming choices that deviate from the norm. Women who choose to shave their faces may face judgment and criticism for their decision. However, it’s crucial to prioritize individual preferences and not let societal attitudes dictate personal beauty routines.

Empowerment and self-expression

Shaving your face can be an empowering act, allowing you to take control of your own appearance and express yourself in a way that feels authentic to you. It’s a statement of self-confidence and self-care, demonstrating that you have the power to make decisions about your body and appearance.

Considering Personal Preferences

The importance of individual decision-making

When it comes to beauty routines, individual decision-making is paramount. Personal preferences should always be prioritized and respected. Women should feel empowered to explore different grooming practices, including facial shaving, and choose what makes them feel most comfortable and confident.

Balancing societal influences with personal satisfaction

While societal influences and beauty trends play a role in shaping our perspectives, it’s essential to find a balance between external expectations and personal satisfaction. Your happiness and comfort should always come first when making decisions about your appearance. Embrace your individuality and choose what makes you feel best.

Encouraging open conversation and non-judgment

To foster a supportive and inclusive community, it’s important to encourage open conversations and non-judgment when it comes to women’s grooming choices. By creating a safe space for discussions, we can learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives, ultimately promoting acceptance and understanding.

Implications for Women’s Beauty Routines

Expanding the scope of women’s grooming

The trend of women shaving their faces signifies a broader shift in women’s grooming practices. It demonstrates that women no longer feel confined to traditional standards and are willing to explore new options and techniques to enhance their beauty routines. This expansion of the scope of women’s grooming allows for greater individuality and self-expression.

Integration of face shaving into daily routines

As women continue to embrace face shaving, it is becoming an integral part of their daily beauty routines. Many women are finding that shaving their faces provides numerous benefits, such as exfoliation and improved skincare product efficacy. By incorporating face shaving into their regular routines, women can achieve the smooth, glowing skin they desire.

Potential impact on self-confidence and body positivity

The impact of face shaving on self-confidence and body positivity should not be underestimated. By taking control of their appearance and making choices that align with their preferences, women can cultivate a sense of empowerment and self-assurance. The confidence that comes from feeling comfortable in one’s own skin is invaluable and can have a transformative effect on overall wellbeing.


Appreciating the diverse perspectives on women’s face shaving is crucial in creating an inclusive and supportive community. While beauty enthusiasts and dermatologists may have differing opinions, it’s important to make informed decisions based on personal preferences and experiences. Shaving your face should be viewed as a personal choice that can bring a range of benefits, from exfoliation and anti-aging to empowerment and self-expression. Let’s promote acceptance and support for each other’s personal choices and encourage open conversations about women’s grooming practices.