Exploring the Issues of Homelessness and Crime in Denver, Colorado

Are you curious about the issues of homelessness, crime, and unaffordable housing in Denver, Colorado? This video by Joe and Nic takes you on a journey to explore the severity of these problems in the Mile High City. As Joey visits landmarks such as the Capitol Building, 16th Street Mall, and the Arts Complex, he reflects on the significant growth Denver has experienced, as well as the challenges it faces with gentrification, high housing costs, and homelessness. While Joey notices homeless individuals during his exploration, he also notes that the situation might not be as dire as in other cities like Portland. Overall, he enjoys his time in Denver and recommends it as a visit-worthy city. So, just how bad are the issues of homelessness, crime, and unaffordable housing in the vibrant city of Denver, Colorado? Let’s join Joe and Nic on their road trip to find out!


Welcome to Denver, Colorado – the Mile High City! In this article, we will delve into the issues that Denver is currently facing, including high levels of homelessness, a surge in crime rates, and unaffordable housing. We will explore the causes of homelessness, the effects it has on crime, and the efforts being made to address these issues. Additionally, we will examine the impact of gentrification on homelessness and discuss the importance of collaboration between housing and law enforcement agencies. Finally, we will touch on public perception and the stigma surrounding homelessness. So let’s dive in and explore just how bad Denver’s issues with homelessness, crime, and unaffordable housing really are.

Overview of Denver’s Issues

High levels of homelessness

Denver has been grappling with a significant problem of homelessness. While it may not be as severe as in some other cities like Portland, it is still a pressing issue. Homeless individuals can often be found congregating in certain areas of the city, and while efforts have been made to provide support and resources, the problem persists.

Surge in crime rates

Crime rates in Denver have been on the rise, especially when it comes to property crime. Denver ranks first in car theft and porch pirate theft, which has contributed to the perception of rising crime in the city. However, it is important to note that violent crime remains relatively low.

Unaffordable housing

The cost of housing in Denver has skyrocketed, making it increasingly difficult for many residents to find affordable housing options. This has contributed to the issue of homelessness, as individuals and families struggle to keep up with rising rental and housing prices.

Causes of Homelessness

Lack of affordable housing

One of the primary causes of homelessness in Denver is the lack of affordable housing options. As housing costs continue to rise, many individuals and families find themselves unable to afford a place to live. This forces them to seek shelter in temporary housing or on the streets.

Income inequality

Income inequality also plays a significant role in the homelessness crisis in Denver. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened, leaving many individuals without access to stable employment or sufficient income to afford housing.

Mental health issues

Another factor contributing to homelessness is the prevalence of mental health issues. Many individuals experiencing homelessness struggle with mental health conditions, which may go untreated or undiagnosed due to a lack of access to healthcare services.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse is often intertwined with homelessness, as individuals may turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of coping with their situation. Substance abuse can further exacerbate other issues, making it difficult for individuals to escape the cycle of homelessness.

Effects of Homelessness on Crime

Relationship between homelessness and property crime

There is a correlation between homelessness and property crime in Denver. Homeless individuals may engage in activities such as theft or vandalism in order to meet their basic needs. Additionally, the visibility of homelessness in certain areas of the city can create a perception of higher crime rates, even if the actual incidence of violent crime remains relatively low.

Increase in drug-related crimes

The presence of homelessness often coincides with drug-related crimes. Homeless individuals may struggle with addiction and resort to illegal activities to support their habit. This can contribute to an increase in drug-related crimes in the city.

Public safety concerns

The issue of homelessness can raise public safety concerns, as residents may feel unsafe or uncomfortable in areas where homelessness is more prevalent. However, it is important to address these concerns in a compassionate and effective manner, taking into account the root causes of homelessness and offering support rather than criminalizing individuals.

Addressing Homelessness

Government initiatives

The government has implemented various initiatives to combat homelessness in Denver. These include providing funding for shelters, affordable housing programs, and supportive services such as mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Non-profit organizations

Non-profit organizations play a crucial role in addressing homelessness in Denver. They provide temporary shelters, meals, and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness. These organizations often work in collaboration with the government to maximize their impact and reach.

Housing-first approach

A housing-first approach has gained traction in Denver and other cities as an effective strategy for ending homelessness. This approach prioritizes finding stable housing for individuals experiencing homelessness, and then providing them with the necessary support services to address the underlying causes of their situation.

Supportive services

Supportive services such as mental health treatment, substance abuse counseling, and job training are essential in helping individuals experiencing homelessness regain stability and independence. By addressing the root causes of homelessness, these services can help individuals transition out of homelessness and into permanent housing.

Denver’s Efforts in Combating Crime

Community policing programs

Denver has implemented community policing programs to foster stronger relationships between law enforcement and the community. By focusing on collaboration and engagement, these programs aim to prevent and address crime more effectively.

Increased law enforcement presence

One of the approaches taken to combat crime in Denver is increasing law enforcement presence in areas where crime rates are highest. This proactive approach aims to deter criminal activity and improve public safety.

Crime prevention initiatives

Crime prevention initiatives, such as neighborhood watch programs and public awareness campaigns, are also being implemented in Denver. These initiatives empower communities to be vigilant and proactive in addressing crime and promoting safety.

Gentrification and Its Impact on Homelessness

Definition and causes of gentrification

Gentrification refers to the process of urban renewal and redevelopment that often leads to the displacement of low-income residents. In Denver, the rapid growth and expansion of the city have contributed to gentrification, as new development and rising property values make it difficult for long-term residents to afford housing.

Displacement of low-income residents

Gentrification often results in the displacement of low-income residents from their homes and neighborhoods. As property values increase, landlords may choose to sell or renovate their properties, leading to the eviction of long-term residents who can no longer afford the rising rents.

Gentrification’s role in homelessness

The displacement caused by gentrification can contribute to homelessness, as individuals and families are forced out of their homes without affordable alternatives. This creates a cycle of homelessness, as individuals struggle to find stable housing in a city where affordability is increasingly scarce.

Collaboration between Housing and Law Enforcement Agencies

Coordinated efforts to address homelessness and crime

In order to effectively address the issues of homelessness and crime, collaboration between housing and law enforcement agencies is crucial. By working together, these agencies can share resources and expertise, improving the overall response to these complex issues.

Partnerships between shelters and police departments

Partnerships between shelters and police departments can promote safety and stability within the homeless community. By establishing positive relationships and open lines of communication, law enforcement can better understand the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness and provide appropriate support.

Diversion programs and alternative solutions

Diversion programs, such as specialized courts or interventions, aim to provide alternative solutions to incarceration for individuals experiencing homelessness or committing low-level offenses. These programs focus on addressing the underlying causes of homelessness and crime, such as substance abuse or mental health issues, rather than resorting to punitive measures.

Public Perception and Stigma

Media portrayal of homelessness and crime

The media often shapes public perception of homelessness and crime, influencing how these issues are understood and addressed. It is important to critically examine media portrayals and challenge stereotypes, as they can perpetuate stigmas and hinder effective solutions.

Challenging stereotypes and misconceptions

Challenging stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding homelessness is crucial in promoting empathy and understanding. Recognizing that homelessness is often the result of systemic issues and a lack of support rather than individual moral failings can help shift public perception and foster a more compassionate response.

Importance of compassion and empathy

Compassion and empathy are essential in addressing homelessness, crime, and unaffordable housing in Denver. By viewing individuals experiencing homelessness as fellow human beings deserving of respect and support, we can work towards finding comprehensive and effective solutions.


Denver faces significant challenges with homelessness, crime, and unaffordable housing. While the issues may not be as severe as in some other cities, they still require attention and action. By addressing the causes of homelessness, implementing supportive services, and fostering collaboration between housing and law enforcement agencies, Denver can work towards creating a city where everyone has access to safe and affordable housing. It is crucial that we challenge stereotypes, promote understanding and empathy, and strive for compassionate solutions that prioritize the well-being and dignity of all individuals in the Mile High City.