Exploring Rural Towns in Texas: Lueders, a Forlorn Town with Abandoned Infrastructure and Low Property Values

In the video, “Exploring Rural Towns in Texas: Lueders, a Forlorn Town with Abandoned Infrastructure and Low Property Values,” you will be taken on a journey through three rural towns in Texas. The first town visited is Lueders, a small town that has experienced a drastic decrease in population and is characterized by abandoned infrastructure and homes. The video will highlight the town’s demographics, poverty levels, low property values, and limited access to basic amenities. The second town visited is Moran, which also has a declining population and low property values. The video will showcase the town’s older population, poverty levels, limited amenities, and its one grocery store called the Red Barn. The final town visited is Putnam, which has seen a significant decline in population and has not benefited from its proximity to an interstate. Overall, the video will shed light on the challenges faced by these rural towns, including poverty, abandoned infrastructure, and a lack of economic opportunities.

Exploring Rural Towns in Texas: Lueders, a Forlorn Town with Abandoned Infrastructure and Low Property Values


Welcome to the small and humble town of Lueders, located in rural Texas. Today, we will be exploring the various aspects of this town, from its shrinking population and abandoned infrastructure to its low property values and limited access to basic amenities. Lueders is a town that has seen better days, and we will delve into the factors that have contributed to its current state. So join us as we uncover the realities of life in Lueders, Texas.

Population Decline and Current Size

Lueders has experienced a significant decline in population over the years. In 1950, the town boasted a population of 750 residents. However, as of today, that number has dwindled to just over 200. This drastic decrease in population has had a profound impact on the town and its community. Lueders has become a shadow of its former self, with deserted streets and abandoned homes serving as a somber reminder of its glory days.

Abandoned Infrastructure and Homes

As you explore the streets of Lueders, one cannot help but notice the numerous abandoned buildings and homes scattered throughout the town. These dilapidated structures stand as silent witnesses to the town’s decline. Many of these buildings were once thriving businesses and lively family homes. Now, they serve as haunting reminders of the past. Nature has begun to reclaim these abandoned spaces, with overgrown vegetation and crumbling foundations becoming part of the landscape. It is a surreal sight that highlights the struggle of a town in decline.

Demographics of Lueders

The demographics of Lueders tell a fascinating story about the town’s inhabitants. The median age of the town is 49, indicating an aging population. In terms of gender distribution, Lueders is made up of 55% females and 45% males. These demographic statistics reflect the challenges faced by an aging town, as the younger generation seeks opportunities elsewhere.

Poverty Levels

Poverty is a pressing issue in Lueders, with a poverty rate of 22.6%. This means that a significant portion of the town’s population is struggling to make ends meet. The effects are seen across different age groups, with 5% of children and 19% of those aged 65 and older living in poverty. These statistics shed light on the economic hardships faced by the residents of Lueders and the need for support and assistance.

Shockingly Low Property Values

One of the most surprising aspects of the town is its shockingly low property values. The median home value in Lueders is a mere $17,500, significantly lower than the national average. This astonishingly low figure reflects the struggles faced by homeowners in a town with limited economic opportunities. Owning a home in Lueders may be an affordable option, but it also highlights the challenges of attracting new residents and investment to the area.

Racial Breakdown

The racial breakdown of Lueders sheds light on the town’s overall lack of diversity. The population consists of 78% White, 14% Hispanic, and 8% mixed race individuals. Notably absent from these statistics are any representation of Black, Asian, and Native American populations. This lack of racial diversity is a reflection of both the historical context of the region and the current makeup of the town.

Cost of Living

Living in Lueders comes with its own set of economic advantages. The cost of living in this town is approximately 25% lower than the national average. This affordability can be attributed to the low property values and limited access to certain amenities. However, it is important to note that this low cost of living reflects the economic challenges faced by the town rather than being a desirable characteristic.

Crime Rates

While Lueders may be a small and relatively quiet town, it still contends with crime. The crime rate in Lueders is higher than the national average, with approximately seven crimes reported per 1000 people. Though this might seem relatively low, it is important to consider the size of the town and the impact that even a few crimes can have on a small community. Efforts to address and reduce crime in Lueders should still be a priority for the town.

Limited Access to Basic Amenities

One of the biggest challenges faced by the residents of Lueders is limited access to basic amenities. The town lacks grocery stores and gas stations, making it difficult for residents to access essential goods and services. This lack of availability can pose significant challenges, especially for those without reliable means of transportation. Addressing the issue of limited amenities should be a priority for the town in order to improve the quality of life for its residents.

Overall Conclusion

Lueders is a town that has experienced significant decline and is grappling with the repercussions of an aging population, abandoned infrastructure, low property values, and limited access to basic amenities. It is a place that reflects the struggles faced by many rural towns in Texas and across the United States. However, amidst the challenges, Lueders also boasts some positive aspects, such as low crime rates. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, communities can find resilience and strength. As we continue our exploration of rural Texas, let us keep in mind the importance of supporting and revitalizing towns like Lueders, ensuring a better future for all.